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Age of Unification: Jews, Christians and Muslims are Brothers

Muslim Islam population grow in Europe Religions Jews Christians Muslims Abraham
Age of Unification: 
Jews, Christians and Muslims are Brothers

Religions are many bot God is One. Let's love each other. The world is slowly but surely moving to unification. We are all one big family with God as our common Parent.

World Religions And Muslim Population

Jews, Christians and Muslims are all Abrahamic religions, believing in the God of their ancestor - Abraham. Historic and cultural changes brought some differences, but the essence of their faith is the same.

In fact, thorough study of their Scriptures shows more similarities in the spiritual teachings of all the 5 major religions, than differences. Overcoming ignorance of each other we will surely move to harmony and unification. Especially once we understand wars between religions were for political, not spiritual reasons.

How many times Muslims invaded Europe vs. Europeans invaded Muslim countries?

All religions teach the 'Golden Rule' of love; to live for the sake of the other. Yet, they often failed to practice it. The way of hate and power often prevailed in history, instead of the way of love.

Europe is surely moving towards the Islam

But human conscience was gradually raised by God. Today we see western countries attracting their Muslim brothers because of God blessing them with their economic prosperity.

Yet, Western countries did not recognize that this is God's blessing and turned into selfishness and materialism. White population steadily decreases because of their anti-family politics. Turning against God they have no way but to decline.

Now Islamic families have more children and better moral standing on family issues. Especially when it comes to population. In 20 more years Europe will be 50% Muslim and 50% Christian.. Thus, unification has to happen. If we want peaceful future, we have to learn to live in love and harmony.

Integration is Immanent - let's do it peacefully and with love

The 2 wives of Abraham were fighting. This unresolved problem grew up from family conflict, to tribal and finally to world separation. At each level God was expecting they will find the way for love and unity, yet they failed - resentment build up. But now we have no escape - we have to fulfill God's will and learn the way of love, for the new world of Peace to come. This is the center of Rev. Moon's teaching and work.

Participants of all major religions, all nations and races, come together to demonstrate the true way of peace. As Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon is teaching, international, interracial and inter-religious marriages are the only way to resolve all historic resentments and erase all human barriers with love.

Dr. Moon's Middle East Peace Initiatives: Interreligious Peace
Dream of Peace: Dalai Lama, Mahatma Gandi, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rev. Dr. Moon
Sun Myung Moon: Revolutionary man of Peace
The family is the first institution created by God. It is the School of Love where we learn to live for others and it is the true wellspring of peace. The Interreligious and International Blessing gathers men and women from every race and religion, to bring up the ideal of family and bring the Culture of Peace through God-centered marriages. Only when the world becomes "One united family" centered on God and lives by the "Culture of Heart", is that God's historic pain will be healed.
Muslim Islam population grow in Europe Religions Jews Christians Muslims Abraham

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